Much of this information is printed in a book about Cults that my MIL brought over for me to read. I was really angry, but then relieved to know that I wasn't crazy!
Much of this information is printed in a book about Cults that my MIL brought over for me to read. I was really angry, but then relieved to know that I wasn't crazy!
I am so sorry to hear this. That was a really good suggestion by Chris. We are here for you and feel your pain with you~
a c.o in one of his friday night talks noticed when he was invited for meals at the brothers and sisters homes that everyone has their chairs and sofa's pointed at the direction of the television set and asked why do people do that.
then he went on to strongly suggest that everyone change this and either have their furniture pointed somewhere else or get rid of the television.
what a total moron!!
An Elders wife said to me just yesterday: You never know if an apostate will work to get inside Bethel, trick everyone, and manage to get wrong information printed in the magazines inorder to mislead everyone away from Jehovah. (this is how she justifies information that flip-flops in the mags)
EW:This is Jehovahs organization-(me) but why is the information different every couple of years? Her answer" Because Jehovah uses imperfect men to lead the people. puke pukepukepukepuke!
hello all; my jaw dropped monday at the the book study on monday, the only meeting i can stomach anymore, a statement was made that made my blood boil.
in asking the question "how does god protect us?
" sister elder answered this way: "well, one of the ways is like that abuse case that was filed in the (twin) cities, or wherever, (sic) it turns out it was thrown out because all the charges were false, or whatever.
That is absolutly disgusting! What is sad (imo) is that some child will hear this kind of statement and not keep their guard up- because "this just doesn't happen at the KH". Makes me want to scream!!!!!!!!!
i've just walked back home from the local shop, and noticed how much i like the view from the back of my house on a summer night so i thought i'd share it!
what do you think?.
What a lucky ducky you are to live there!
6. cross: jesus did not die on a cross.
he died on a pole, or a stake.
the greek word translated "cross" in many bibles meant just one piece of timber.
I want to thank you for this post. I was thinking about this just recently and all of my previous upbringing brainwashing was all I could remember. I appreciate getting some clarity on the cross issue.
i know that this topic will be a draw to those who are truly interested in this subject, and for those who seem to feel that it is their "duty" to debunk untruth and myth, etc.
in their sphere of life.
let it so be stated that whoever is truly interested in this subject, and in having a "chart" done, etc.
I am a Leo and so far everything that I have read about Leo's apply to me. I have had readings done (three, to be exact) and I always walk out of it thinking I will never do it again but I do. 98% of what is said either happens or has, and I do not know the people doing the readings. I always wanted to have a chart done.
My son is a Leo and we are very much the same. I don't know what my daughter is- she was born in January- but she is similar to my MIL, my sister and my brother who were all born in January. They all have the same temperament and see the world the same way. My husband is a Pisces (sp?). We are polar opposits but it's fun for us.
this time it's the ladies turn.. james belushi or arnold swarzennegger?
which physique does it for you?.
Jim Belushi is much better than Arnold. My hubby used to be thin and built, now he's more like a teddy bear. Much better! Some exercise is good, but having to maintain all those muscles would be too time consuming!
yep, that's how she says it.
and hamgurber.
my niece used to say "scum-screen".
My son still calls pretzels- prentsills- he's 10 and does know better!
He called dolphins -delafins, Hamburgers and french fries-hangleburgers and free fries, ham sandwiches -sam sammiches and pillows-pellows. Both of my children called wash cloths -clof wofs, and my daughter (she's 8) still calls any type of coin money- cents, she refuses to call it change.
for me it was when i was living in mexico and i got a job as a waiter out of sheer boardom.
the pay was lousy, the work was hard, the boss was an asshole, and at the end of the week i was told that i was not good enough to be a waiter and i was fired.
thank god!.
Copsec- THAT was nasty!
House cleaning for a woman that put her "boogie tissues" way under her bed to see if I cleaned under there. I would have to pull them out! ICK!!!!!
Another person would put used condoms in the garbage can (unwarapped) and when I would go to dump the trash stuff would be "stuck" to the bottom of the can! FOUL!
I love all of my formal training so that I could have a "real job" in the world. Wouldn't want me to be distracted by some actual job skills!